As we know it’s been so tricky for sen­si­tive skin own­ers to find the right skin­care prod­ucts that are gen­tle yet effec­tive, because it requires spe­cial care and atten­tion. Even worse, using the wrong prod­ucts might cause red­ness and irri­ta­tion on your skin. If you’re strug­gling to find the per­fect skin­care solu­tion for your sen­si­tive skin, look no fur­ther than the Round Lab Dok­do Series. 

Whether you’re look­ing for a cleanser, ton­er, cream, eye cream, or sun­screen, the Round Lab Dok­do Series has you cov­ered with its range of gen­tle and sooth­ing prod­ucts. This inno­v­a­tive line of prod­ucts is specif­i­cal­ly for­mu­lat­ed to cater to the unique needs of sen­si­tive skin, pro­vid­ing gen­tle care with­out com­pro­mis­ing on effec­tive­ness.

1. Round Lab Dok­do Cleans­ing Balm

It cleans­es your skin while melt­ing away make­up and mois­tur­iz­ing the skin! It is enriched with plant based oils like sun­flower & prim­rose. It removes make­up well includ­ing eye make­up like mas­cara and eye­lin­er. But one thing that I am still won­der­ing is if it comes with a slight­ly watery tex­ture like melt­ed but­ter before I use it. I am not quite sure if it depends on the tem­per­a­ture where I reside or if it is orig­i­nal­ly like that.

2. Round Lab Dok­do Ton­er

One of the key ben­e­fits I felt is its sooth­ing and hydrat­ing prop­er­ties. The prod­ucts are enriched with min­er­al-rich waters and sug­ar­cane extract, known for their calm­ing and hydrat­ing effects on the skin. These waters help to soothe sen­si­tive skin, reduce red­ness and irri­ta­tion, and pro­vide long-last­ing hydra­tion. Also, it is fra­grance free and non-come­do­genic, mak­ing them ide­al for those with sen­si­tive skin issues.

3. Round Lab Dok­do Light Cream

This cream does a good job on mois­tur­iz­ing and hydrat­ing the skin. It con­tains hyaluron­ic acid, pan­thenol and sea water which is suit­able for sen­si­tive skin. But unlike its name, some­how this cream feels heavy on my face, like I could feel the lay­er on my face. If you have oily skin, you might feel a lit­tle bit uncom­fort­able using it.

4. Round Lab Dok­do Eye Cream

Not only does it have a scent­less lotion-like tex­ture, but it also melts into the skin imme­di­ate­ly. It is super good to mois­tur­ize under eye area and reduce wrin­kles on the skin around the eyes. Appar­ent­ly it slight­ly bright­ens the skin as well, fol­lowed by improv­ing your sleep qual­i­ty.

5. Round Lab Dok­do Sun­screen

Even though it has a rather thick tex­ture, it smooths and hydrates the skin per­fect­ly and is great for feed­ing and nour­ish­ing the skin. For me, this prod­uct has been a great addi­tion to my dai­ly skin­care rou­tine. It sits well under­neath make­up and does­n’t make my skin appear shiny through­out the day. There is no white cast, greasy or sticky feel­ing either!

In con­clu­sion, if you have sen­si­tive skin and are look­ing for the right skin­care solu­tion, con­sid­er the Round Lab Dok­do Series. With its gen­tle for­mu­las, sooth­ing prop­er­ties, and pos­i­tive feed­back from users, it could be the per­fect solu­tion for your sen­si­tive skin needs.

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